Despite requests for delay due to COVID-19, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has affirmed that enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) has started, effective July 1, 2020. The CCPA is a huge step forward in data privacy law, granting California consumers robust data privacy rights and increased control over their personal information. Previous PilieroMazza coverage of the CCPA can be viewed here and here . While the CCPA has been in effect since January 1, 2020, companies that do business with California . . . Read More
Click here to view the recorded session. With its chaotic rollout, conflicting regulations, and breakneck disbursements, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is primed to create a wave of litigation. This includes actions taken under the False Claims Act (FCA), which sets penalties for anyone who knowingly submits a false claim for money to the federal government. Small business borrowers face potential FCA liability exposure during the PPP application and forgiveness process, so it is imperative that they learn to manage this . . . Read More
Click here to view the recorded session. As always, PilieroMazza’s primary focus is to keep our clients, resource partners, and the business community at large informed on how our attorneys can help you address your business and legal concerns. With coronavirus top-of-mind for everyone, we thought it best to conduct a webinar discussing recent federal guidance on contract issues associated with COVID-19, strategies to recover extra costs and time extensions resulting from COVID-19, and recommended processes for future contracting amidst the . . . Read More
On July 15, the Virginia Safety and Health Codes Board approved temporary emergency standards to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Virginia workplaces. Expected to go into effect during the week of July 27, the new workplace safety standards are the first of their kind in the country. The regulations will impose large monetary penalties on companies that fail to implement various COVID-19 safety measures. Virginia state officials, under the direction of Governor Ralph Northam, purportedly spearheaded implementation of the . . . Read More
Presented by Sarah Nash and Anna Wright. Click here to view the recorded session. With top companies permanently moving to a majority remote workforce, the COVID-19 shift to telework is here to stay. Employers need policies and procedures to manage the virtual workplace. This webinar covers strategies for sustaining long-term remote operations, including: maintaining data security and implementing an insider threat program; managing employee disputes and complaints; meeting health and safety obligations; and hiring and onboarding new employees.
As unemployment rises and companies face new COVID-19 health and safety challenges, many unions are exploring new ways to encourage employees to organize. In this climate of union organizing, it can be important to keep open communications with your workforce. Often, the best way to avoid a union organizing campaign is to listen to employee concerns as they arise and keep a watchful eye on signs that employees might be considering organizing, providing you an opportunity to get out in . . . Read More
During the webinar on “ The False Claims Act: 2019 Takeaways and 2020 Trends ” earlier this year, Matt Feinberg and Jackie Unger noted that the SBA’s small business programs are fertile ground for False Claims Act (FCA) enforcement and predicted increased enforcement in 2020 and beyond. A recent settlement has shown this to be true and illustrates that the risk of FCA liability can extend to affiliates and business partners of purported small businesses that contract with the federal government. On May 4, 2020, the DOJ issued a press release stating that Northland Associates, . . . Read More