
Peter advises government contractors and commercial businesses on a broad range of federal procurement matters. He is adept at navigating issues related to eligibility for, and continued participation in, small business programs such as SBA’s 8(a) BD, SDVOSB, WOSB, and HUBZone programs and the VA’s VetBiz VIP program. He represents clients in actions before OHA, GAO, and ODRA. He also counsels federal contractors on FAR and small business regulation compliance, which includes auditing clients for potential size and affiliation issues.
Peter’s practice encompasses the representation of tribes and ANCs, as well as their government contracting subsidiaries. He has assisted tribal entities with establishing the proper infrastructure to become robust government contractors, including establishing tribal holding companies to own Section 8(a), HUBZone, and other small businesses doing business with the federal government and assisting those businesses with their government contracting, subcontracting, and small business matters.
He helps prime and subcontractors prepare, file, and, if necessary, appeal REAs and claims to recoup time and/or money lost performing on a contract.
Peter heads the firm’s Boulder, Colorado office and is President-Elect of NCMA Denver
Related Practice Areas
Representative Matters

Representative Experience
Government contracting experience:
- Successful reconsideration requests in connection with VA VetBiz VIP program and SBA 8(a) BD program denials
- Successful appeals of erroneous determinations of affiliation to OHA
- Successful appeals of erroneous NAICS code designations to OHA
- Pursuit and defense of both size and status protests before the SBA and ODRA
- Corrective action in multiple cases before GAO
General corporate and business experience:
- Representing numerous clients in connection with the negotiation and preparation of operating agreements, bylaws, shareholders agreements, teaming agreements and joint venture agreements, including those involving 8(a), SDVOSB, and other small business government contracting companies
- Representing clients as buyers and sellers in company-related acquisitions, including due diligence and preparation of all sale and purchase documents and instruments
- Advising clients on corporate restructuring transactions, including preparation of merger documents
- Preparing and implementing employee incentive compensation plans, including stock appreciation rights
Representative Cases
- Successfully defended our client’s small business size and EDWOSB statuses before the FAA’s Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition. See Protest of Pal Technologies, Inc., 15-ODRA-00720 (Mar. 12, 2015)
- Successfully defended our client’s small business size status before the SBA’s Office of Hearings and Appeals. See Size Appeal of MCH Corporation, SBA No. SIZ-5622 (2014)
- Overturned NAICS code designation resulting in a reclassification of contract into a smaller size standard. See NAICS Appeal of eScience & Technology Solutions, Inc., SBA No. NAICS-5586 (2014)
- Successfully appealed the SBA’s suspension of a tribally-owned firm from the 8(a) Program. See Federal Program Integrators, LLC, SBA No. BDPS-538 (2014)
- Successfully appealed the SBA’s suspension of a tribally-owned firm from the 8(a) Program. See Wichita Tribal Enterprises, LLC, SBA No. BDP-523 (2014)
- Successfully appealed a size determination concluding that the protested firm was an eligible small business for the procurement. See Crosstown Courier Service Incorporated, SBA No. SIZ-5571 (2014)
- Successfully appealed the SBA’s decision to deny a Native American-owned firm entry to the 8(a) Program. See Gearhart Construction Services, SBA No. BDPE-473 (2013)
- Overturned NAICS code designation resulting in a reclassification of contract into a larger size standard. See NAICS Appeal of Dial General Engineering, SBA No. NAICS-5375 (2012)

- New Developments in Ultima Case: Potential Effect on Current and Future SBA 8(a) Program Participants, 09.28.23
- 5 Key Ways a Contractor Can Be Subject to a Government Claim, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 06.20.22
- SBA Increases Its Size Standards, Opening More Opportunities for Winning Government Contracts, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 04.04.22
- SBA Awards $1.1 Million to Support Native American-Owned Small Businesses, Tribal Advocate, 12.20.21
- Requests for Equitable Adjustment Versus Claims: Which Should Contractors Pursue?, 09.01.21
- BREAKING: SBA to Suspend Bona Fide Place of Business Requirements for 8(a) Construction Contracts, Effective Immediately, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 08.25.21
- HHS Issues Proposed Regulations Governing Buy Indian Act Procurement Procedures, Tribal Advocate, 04.05.21
- Congress Expands Buy Indian Act Procurement Authority: 7 Key Changes Native American Businesses Should Watch, Tribal Advocate, 03.30.21
- Top Bases for REAs and Claims Arising Under COVID-19, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 01.22.21
- PilieroMazza Summarizes SBA’s Final Rule on Mentor-Protégé Programs, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 10.16.20
- Certain SBA Loan Review Decisions Under Paycheck Protection Program Appealable, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 08.26.20
- BIA to Establish Procedures for Federally Recognizing Alaskan Tribes, Tribal Advocate, 03.02.20
- PilieroMazza Comments to RIN 3245-AG94, Proposed Rule on the Consolidation of Mentor Protégé Programs and Other Government Contracting Amendments, PilieroMazza Comments, 02.18.20
- PilieroMazza Drafts Comments to RIN 3245-AG94, Proposed Rule on the Consolidation of Mentor Protégé Programs and Other Government Contracting Amendments, PilieroMazza Comments, 01.30.20
- The Implications of SBA’s Proposed Rule Changes for Tribally Owned 8(a) Businesses, Tribal Advocate, 01.08.20
- BLOG: Cybersecurity Meets the FCA: What the Chinese Telecom Ban Means for Government Contractors, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 08.27.19
- BLOG: CVE Denies SDVOSB Verification Application Based on Outdated VIP Profile, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.14.19
- A Five-Year Measuring Period for Economic Dependence Affiliation, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 01.22.19
- Current Trends in Federal Procurement for Set-Aside Alert, 10.05.18
- OHA to Decide VA SDVOSB Status Protests Starting This Week, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 10.03.18
- Current Trends in Federal Procurement, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 08.07.18
- OHA Reaffirms the Relevancy of the Date of Self-Certification, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.31.18
- HUBZone Definition of “Employee” Not So Black-and-White, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.09.18
- Your Annual Performance of Work Report Is Due Soon, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 12.12.17
- Considerations When Bringing on a New Owner, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 11.15.17
- PilieroMazza Legal Advisor – Fourth Quarter 2017, 11.08.17
- The Importance of a Carefully Drafted Work Share Provision, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 07.27.17
- The Importance of a Carefully-Drafted Work-Share Provision, 06.23.17
- New CVE Guidance on Joint Ventures and Mentor-Protégé Relationships, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.15.17
- CVE Extends Verification Eligibility Period: What This Means for VOSBs, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.29.17
- Fair Opportunity Complaints on Task and Delivery Orders, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 01.20.17
- Recent Changes to the 8(a) Program Application Process, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 09.21.16
- SBA Simplifies Minority Shareholder Affiliation Rule for Loan Program Applicants, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 07.21.16
- FY2015 Procurement Scorecard: Another “A” for the Government, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 04.29.16
- Kingdomware Oral Arguments—Remand to Lower Courts Is a Possibility, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.03.16
- Five Reasons to File a Size Protest, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 02.29.16
- Five Signs Your Teaming Agreement Will Lead to Affiliation – Megan Connor & Peter Ford, Set-Aside Alert, 10.23.15
- SBA Proposes Simplified Affiliation Tests for Business Loan Programs, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 10.14.15
- Five Signs Your Teaming Agreement Will Lead to Affiliation, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 09.04.15
- No Longer on Hold: SBA Resumes 7(a) Lending to Small Businesses, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 08.18.15
- Control and Responsibility in SDVO SBC Joint Ventures: More than a Title, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 06.24.15
- The CVE Reverification Process is Not as Simple as Advertised For Veteran-Owned Firms, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.13.15
- CVE Reverfication for Veteran-Owned Firms is not as Simple as Advertised – Peter Ford, Set-Aside Alert, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 04.03.15
- Similar But Different: FAA Size Protest Challenges, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.12.15
- OHA Sheds Some Light on What Constitutes a “Class” of Stock, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 11.13.14
- SBA continues to review social disadvantage narratives under the wrong evidentiary standard – Peter Ford, Set-Aside Alert, 11.07.14
- Function over Form: The Impact of Separate Stock Classes on Veteran-Owned Firms, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 10.10.14
- Employee Stock Ownership Plans: More Confusion for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 08.07.14
- It’s Not Just About Being Disadvantaged: An Overview of the SBA’s Potential for Success Requirement for 8(a) Program Entry, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 06.20.14
- Simplified Renewal: Not So Simple After All for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.05.14
- Contractors Should Fight Proposed Conflict Of Interest Rule – Peter Ford, Law360, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 05.05.14
- Small Business Construction Contractors Must Voice Their Concerns, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.07.14
- Mitigating Risk After SBA’s New Presumed Loss Rule – Peter Ford, Law360, 08.29.13
- Protecting Small Business Status in Letters Of Intent – Peter Ford, Law360, 08.10.12
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 12.04.25
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 10.02.25
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protégé Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 04.09.25
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protégé Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 02.06.25
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 10.17.24
- Grow or Go: Small Business Lifecycle Maturity, Alaska Regional Conference , 06.11.24
- Preparing for Major Changes to DOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Effective May 9, 2024, PilieroMazza Webinar, 05.08.24
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 04.25.24
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 02.29.24
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies (2023), CO PTAC Event, 11.09.23
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, CO PTAC Event, 05.11.23
- Understanding and Avoiding Affiliation for Small Business Government Contractors, VA PTAC Event, 03.21.23
- Termination for Convenience: How to Prepare Your Settlement Proposal, PilieroMazza Webinar, 12.15.22
- Identifying and Quantifying Government Contract Claims, PilieroMazza Webinar, 08.17.22
- Unlocking the Secrets of Debriefings, Government Evaluation of Proposals and Protests, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 06.15.22
- Basic Requirements for Government Contracting, RES 2022, 05.23.22
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, CO PTAC Event, 04.26.22
- Changes to SBA Rules, 2022 SAME San Antonio Post Small Business Market Research Fair & Scholarship Golf Tournament, 03.09.22
- Office of Hearing and Appeals (OHA) Year-In-Review: Impactful Decisions from 2021, 02.17.22
- Unlocking the Secrets of Debriefings, Government Evaluation of Proposals and Protests, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 01.25.22
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, 10.07.21
- Acquisitions and Mergers, National 8(a) Association 2021 Alaska Regional Conference, 08.24.21
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, 07.01.21
- Federal Small Business Programs—A Primer for Government Contractors, 06.15.21
- Smart Growth in the Federal Market: How to Thrive in the Mid-Tier or Stay Small, 04.21.21
- Where Is the Money? Agency Forecasts for 2021, National 8(a) Association 2021 Virtual Day, 01.25.21
- SBA’s Final Rule on Mentor-Protégé Programs: Key Changes for Government Contractors, 01.14.21
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, 12.14.20
- Understanding and Avoiding Affiliation Under Small Business Contracting Programs, 11.12.20
- SBA’s Final Rule on Mentor-Protégé Programs: Key Changes for Government Contractors, 10.28.20
- Other Transaction Authorities (OTA), Virtual Veteran Entrepreneur Training Symposium 2020 Webinar Series, 10.27.20
- COVID-19 Legislation: How Is It Impacting Federal Contractors?, 10.08.20
- Mentor-Protégé Program, Teaming Agreements, and Joint Ventures, 08.19.20
- WEBINAR: COVID-19 Guidance for Government Contractors, 07.22.20
- Federal Contracting Assets On the Move, 03.04.20
- Strategies, Tips and Tricks for Government Contract Compliance, 03.03.20
- Unlocking the Secrets of Debriefings, Government Evaluation of Proposals and Protests, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 12.11.19
- Growth through Joint Ventures and Mentor-Protégé Relationships, 11.08.19
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protégé Bidding Strategies, 10.08.19
- WEBINAR: SBA Proposed Rule Changes and How They Will Impact Government Contractors, 08.20.19
- Size and Status (Re)Certifications: Tripwires for Small Businesses, 06.18.19
- How to Successfully Joint Venture to Grow Your Business, 06.11.19
- Peter Ford Will be Speaking at the PTAC HUBZone and Small Business Conference, 04.23.19
- Staying Relevant in a Changing Federal Marketplace, 09.12.18
- Considerations Before Bidding on Contract Opportunities, 02.28.18
Webinar Replays
- Preparing for Major Changes to DOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Effective May 9, 2024, Webinar Replays, 05.08.24
- Understanding and Avoiding Affiliation for Small Business Government Contractors, Webinar Replays, 03.21.23
- Termination for Convenience How to Prepare Your Settlement Proposal, Webinar Replays, 12.19.22
- COVID-19 Legislation: How Is It Impacting Federal Contractors?, Webinar Replays, 11.30.20
- COVID-19 Guidance for Government Contractors, Webinar Replays, 07.23.20
- SBA Proposed Rule Changes and How They Will Impact Government Contractors, Webinar Replays, 08.20.19
- Legislative and Regulatory Update for Small Businesses, Webinar Replays, 03.11.15
- Exiting the 8(a) Program: an Overview of Terminations, Suspensions, and Early Graduations in the Current Environment, Webinar Replays, 02.03.15
- Small Business Legislative and Regulatory Update, Webinar Replays, 12.10.14
- Bid Protests – Seven Things Every Contractor Should Know, Webinar Replays, 12.09.14
- Comprehensive Joint Venture Agreements, Webinar Replays, 12.09.14
- 8(a) Business Development Program: Getting Certified and Staying Compliant, Webinar Replays, 10.15.13
- Look Before You Leap, Preparing for SBAs New Rule on Size and Status Representations – A PilieroMazza Webinar, Webinar Replays, 08.13.13
- The Ins and Outs of Joint Venture Agreements – A WIPP Give Me Five Webinar, Webinar Replays, 06.26.13
- PilieroMazza Unveils Podcast Series for Commercial Businesses New to Government Contracting, 07.12.22
- 12 PilieroMazza Attorneys Featured in 2022 Super Lawyers, 05.03.22
- PilieroMazza Adds Attorneys to List of Super Lawyers®, 05.07.20
- Column: The Implications of SBA’s Proposed Rule Changes for Tribally Owned 8(a) Businesses- Peter Ford and Emily Rouleau, Set-Aside Alert, 01.31.20

- Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law, J.D., 2008, magna cum laude, Articles Editor, Nova Law Review
- Washington and Lee University, B.S., 2005
- Colorado
- District of Columbia

Super Lawyers® Rising Star, Government Contracts, 2018-2022
Peter advises government contractors and commercial businesses on a broad range of federal procurement matters. He is adept at navigating issues related to eligibility for, and continued participation in, small business programs such as SBA’s 8(a) BD, SDVOSB, WOSB, and HUBZone programs and the VA’s VetBiz VIP program. He represents clients in actions before OHA, GAO, and ODRA. He also counsels federal contractors on FAR and small business regulation compliance, which includes auditing clients for potential size and affiliation issues.
Peter’s practice encompasses the representation of tribes and ANCs, as well as their government contracting subsidiaries. He has assisted tribal entities with establishing the proper infrastructure to become robust government contractors, including establishing tribal holding companies to own Section 8(a), HUBZone, and other small businesses doing business with the federal government and assisting those businesses with their government contracting, subcontracting, and small business matters.
He helps prime and subcontractors prepare, file, and, if necessary, appeal REAs and claims to recoup time and/or money lost performing on a contract.
Peter heads the firm’s Boulder, Colorado office and is President-Elect of NCMA Denver
Related Practice Areas
Representative Experience
Government contracting experience:
- Successful reconsideration requests in connection with VA VetBiz VIP program and SBA 8(a) BD program denials
- Successful appeals of erroneous determinations of affiliation to OHA
- Successful appeals of erroneous NAICS code designations to OHA
- Pursuit and defense of both size and status protests before the SBA and ODRA
- Corrective action in multiple cases before GAO
General corporate and business experience:
- Representing numerous clients in connection with the negotiation and preparation of operating agreements, bylaws, shareholders agreements, teaming agreements and joint venture agreements, including those involving 8(a), SDVOSB, and other small business government contracting companies
- Representing clients as buyers and sellers in company-related acquisitions, including due diligence and preparation of all sale and purchase documents and instruments
- Advising clients on corporate restructuring transactions, including preparation of merger documents
- Preparing and implementing employee incentive compensation plans, including stock appreciation rights
Representative Cases
- Successfully defended our client’s small business size and EDWOSB statuses before the FAA’s Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition. See Protest of Pal Technologies, Inc., 15-ODRA-00720 (Mar. 12, 2015)
- Successfully defended our client’s small business size status before the SBA’s Office of Hearings and Appeals. See Size Appeal of MCH Corporation, SBA No. SIZ-5622 (2014)
- Overturned NAICS code designation resulting in a reclassification of contract into a smaller size standard. See NAICS Appeal of eScience & Technology Solutions, Inc., SBA No. NAICS-5586 (2014)
- Successfully appealed the SBA’s suspension of a tribally-owned firm from the 8(a) Program. See Federal Program Integrators, LLC, SBA No. BDPS-538 (2014)
- Successfully appealed the SBA’s suspension of a tribally-owned firm from the 8(a) Program. See Wichita Tribal Enterprises, LLC, SBA No. BDP-523 (2014)
- Successfully appealed a size determination concluding that the protested firm was an eligible small business for the procurement. See Crosstown Courier Service Incorporated, SBA No. SIZ-5571 (2014)
- Successfully appealed the SBA’s decision to deny a Native American-owned firm entry to the 8(a) Program. See Gearhart Construction Services, SBA No. BDPE-473 (2013)
- Overturned NAICS code designation resulting in a reclassification of contract into a larger size standard. See NAICS Appeal of Dial General Engineering, SBA No. NAICS-5375 (2012)
- New Developments in Ultima Case: Potential Effect on Current and Future SBA 8(a) Program Participants, 09.28.23
- 5 Key Ways a Contractor Can Be Subject to a Government Claim, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 06.20.22
- SBA Increases Its Size Standards, Opening More Opportunities for Winning Government Contracts, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 04.04.22
- SBA Awards $1.1 Million to Support Native American-Owned Small Businesses, Tribal Advocate, 12.20.21
- Requests for Equitable Adjustment Versus Claims: Which Should Contractors Pursue?, 09.01.21
- BREAKING: SBA to Suspend Bona Fide Place of Business Requirements for 8(a) Construction Contracts, Effective Immediately, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 08.25.21
- HHS Issues Proposed Regulations Governing Buy Indian Act Procurement Procedures, Tribal Advocate, 04.05.21
- Congress Expands Buy Indian Act Procurement Authority: 7 Key Changes Native American Businesses Should Watch, Tribal Advocate, 03.30.21
- Top Bases for REAs and Claims Arising Under COVID-19, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 01.22.21
- PilieroMazza Summarizes SBA’s Final Rule on Mentor-Protégé Programs, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 10.16.20
- Certain SBA Loan Review Decisions Under Paycheck Protection Program Appealable, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 08.26.20
- BIA to Establish Procedures for Federally Recognizing Alaskan Tribes, Tribal Advocate, 03.02.20
- PilieroMazza Comments to RIN 3245-AG94, Proposed Rule on the Consolidation of Mentor Protégé Programs and Other Government Contracting Amendments, PilieroMazza Comments, 02.18.20
- PilieroMazza Drafts Comments to RIN 3245-AG94, Proposed Rule on the Consolidation of Mentor Protégé Programs and Other Government Contracting Amendments, PilieroMazza Comments, 01.30.20
- The Implications of SBA’s Proposed Rule Changes for Tribally Owned 8(a) Businesses, Tribal Advocate, 01.08.20
- BLOG: Cybersecurity Meets the FCA: What the Chinese Telecom Ban Means for Government Contractors, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 08.27.19
- BLOG: CVE Denies SDVOSB Verification Application Based on Outdated VIP Profile, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.14.19
- A Five-Year Measuring Period for Economic Dependence Affiliation, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 01.22.19
- Current Trends in Federal Procurement for Set-Aside Alert, 10.05.18
- OHA to Decide VA SDVOSB Status Protests Starting This Week, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 10.03.18
- Current Trends in Federal Procurement, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 08.07.18
- OHA Reaffirms the Relevancy of the Date of Self-Certification, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.31.18
- HUBZone Definition of “Employee” Not So Black-and-White, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.09.18
- Your Annual Performance of Work Report Is Due Soon, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 12.12.17
- Considerations When Bringing on a New Owner, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 11.15.17
- PilieroMazza Legal Advisor – Fourth Quarter 2017, 11.08.17
- The Importance of a Carefully Drafted Work Share Provision, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 07.27.17
- The Importance of a Carefully-Drafted Work-Share Provision, 06.23.17
- New CVE Guidance on Joint Ventures and Mentor-Protégé Relationships, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.15.17
- CVE Extends Verification Eligibility Period: What This Means for VOSBs, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.29.17
- Fair Opportunity Complaints on Task and Delivery Orders, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 01.20.17
- Recent Changes to the 8(a) Program Application Process, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 09.21.16
- SBA Simplifies Minority Shareholder Affiliation Rule for Loan Program Applicants, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 07.21.16
- FY2015 Procurement Scorecard: Another “A” for the Government, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 04.29.16
- Kingdomware Oral Arguments—Remand to Lower Courts Is a Possibility, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.03.16
- Five Reasons to File a Size Protest, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 02.29.16
- Five Signs Your Teaming Agreement Will Lead to Affiliation – Megan Connor & Peter Ford, Set-Aside Alert, 10.23.15
- SBA Proposes Simplified Affiliation Tests for Business Loan Programs, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 10.14.15
- Five Signs Your Teaming Agreement Will Lead to Affiliation, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 09.04.15
- No Longer on Hold: SBA Resumes 7(a) Lending to Small Businesses, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 08.18.15
- Control and Responsibility in SDVO SBC Joint Ventures: More than a Title, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 06.24.15
- The CVE Reverification Process is Not as Simple as Advertised For Veteran-Owned Firms, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.13.15
- CVE Reverfication for Veteran-Owned Firms is not as Simple as Advertised – Peter Ford, Set-Aside Alert, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 04.03.15
- Similar But Different: FAA Size Protest Challenges, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.12.15
- OHA Sheds Some Light on What Constitutes a “Class” of Stock, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 11.13.14
- SBA continues to review social disadvantage narratives under the wrong evidentiary standard – Peter Ford, Set-Aside Alert, 11.07.14
- Function over Form: The Impact of Separate Stock Classes on Veteran-Owned Firms, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 10.10.14
- Employee Stock Ownership Plans: More Confusion for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 08.07.14
- It’s Not Just About Being Disadvantaged: An Overview of the SBA’s Potential for Success Requirement for 8(a) Program Entry, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 06.20.14
- Simplified Renewal: Not So Simple After All for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 05.05.14
- Contractors Should Fight Proposed Conflict Of Interest Rule – Peter Ford, Law360, PilieroMazza Client Alert, 05.05.14
- Small Business Construction Contractors Must Voice Their Concerns, The PM Legal Minute Blog, 03.07.14
- Mitigating Risk After SBA’s New Presumed Loss Rule – Peter Ford, Law360, 08.29.13
- Protecting Small Business Status in Letters Of Intent – Peter Ford, Law360, 08.10.12
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 12.04.25
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 10.02.25
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protégé Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 04.09.25
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protégé Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 02.06.25
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 10.17.24
- Grow or Go: Small Business Lifecycle Maturity, Alaska Regional Conference , 06.11.24
- Preparing for Major Changes to DOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Effective May 9, 2024, PilieroMazza Webinar, 05.08.24
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 04.25.24
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 02.29.24
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies (2023), CO PTAC Event, 11.09.23
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, CO PTAC Event, 05.11.23
- Understanding and Avoiding Affiliation for Small Business Government Contractors, VA PTAC Event, 03.21.23
- Termination for Convenience: How to Prepare Your Settlement Proposal, PilieroMazza Webinar, 12.15.22
- Identifying and Quantifying Government Contract Claims, PilieroMazza Webinar, 08.17.22
- Unlocking the Secrets of Debriefings, Government Evaluation of Proposals and Protests, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 06.15.22
- Basic Requirements for Government Contracting, RES 2022, 05.23.22
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, CO PTAC Event, 04.26.22
- Changes to SBA Rules, 2022 SAME San Antonio Post Small Business Market Research Fair & Scholarship Golf Tournament, 03.09.22
- Office of Hearing and Appeals (OHA) Year-In-Review: Impactful Decisions from 2021, 02.17.22
- Unlocking the Secrets of Debriefings, Government Evaluation of Proposals and Protests, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 01.25.22
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, 10.07.21
- Acquisitions and Mergers, National 8(a) Association 2021 Alaska Regional Conference, 08.24.21
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, 07.01.21
- Federal Small Business Programs—A Primer for Government Contractors, 06.15.21
- Smart Growth in the Federal Market: How to Thrive in the Mid-Tier or Stay Small, 04.21.21
- Where Is the Money? Agency Forecasts for 2021, National 8(a) Association 2021 Virtual Day, 01.25.21
- SBA’s Final Rule on Mentor-Protégé Programs: Key Changes for Government Contractors, 01.14.21
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protege Bidding Strategies, 12.14.20
- Understanding and Avoiding Affiliation Under Small Business Contracting Programs, 11.12.20
- SBA’s Final Rule on Mentor-Protégé Programs: Key Changes for Government Contractors, 10.28.20
- Other Transaction Authorities (OTA), Virtual Veteran Entrepreneur Training Symposium 2020 Webinar Series, 10.27.20
- COVID-19 Legislation: How Is It Impacting Federal Contractors?, 10.08.20
- Mentor-Protégé Program, Teaming Agreements, and Joint Ventures, 08.19.20
- WEBINAR: COVID-19 Guidance for Government Contractors, 07.22.20
- Federal Contracting Assets On the Move, 03.04.20
- Strategies, Tips and Tricks for Government Contract Compliance, 03.03.20
- Unlocking the Secrets of Debriefings, Government Evaluation of Proposals and Protests, Colorado APEX Accelerator Event, 12.11.19
- Growth through Joint Ventures and Mentor-Protégé Relationships, 11.08.19
- Joint Venture and Mentor-Protégé Bidding Strategies, 10.08.19
- WEBINAR: SBA Proposed Rule Changes and How They Will Impact Government Contractors, 08.20.19
- Size and Status (Re)Certifications: Tripwires for Small Businesses, 06.18.19
- How to Successfully Joint Venture to Grow Your Business, 06.11.19
- Peter Ford Will be Speaking at the PTAC HUBZone and Small Business Conference, 04.23.19
- Staying Relevant in a Changing Federal Marketplace, 09.12.18
- Considerations Before Bidding on Contract Opportunities, 02.28.18
Webinar Replays
- Preparing for Major Changes to DOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Effective May 9, 2024, Webinar Replays, 05.08.24
- Understanding and Avoiding Affiliation for Small Business Government Contractors, Webinar Replays, 03.21.23
- Termination for Convenience How to Prepare Your Settlement Proposal, Webinar Replays, 12.19.22
- COVID-19 Legislation: How Is It Impacting Federal Contractors?, Webinar Replays, 11.30.20
- COVID-19 Guidance for Government Contractors, Webinar Replays, 07.23.20
- SBA Proposed Rule Changes and How They Will Impact Government Contractors, Webinar Replays, 08.20.19
- Legislative and Regulatory Update for Small Businesses, Webinar Replays, 03.11.15
- Exiting the 8(a) Program: an Overview of Terminations, Suspensions, and Early Graduations in the Current Environment, Webinar Replays, 02.03.15
- Small Business Legislative and Regulatory Update, Webinar Replays, 12.10.14
- Bid Protests – Seven Things Every Contractor Should Know, Webinar Replays, 12.09.14
- Comprehensive Joint Venture Agreements, Webinar Replays, 12.09.14
- 8(a) Business Development Program: Getting Certified and Staying Compliant, Webinar Replays, 10.15.13
- Look Before You Leap, Preparing for SBAs New Rule on Size and Status Representations – A PilieroMazza Webinar, Webinar Replays, 08.13.13
- The Ins and Outs of Joint Venture Agreements – A WIPP Give Me Five Webinar, Webinar Replays, 06.26.13
- PilieroMazza Unveils Podcast Series for Commercial Businesses New to Government Contracting, 07.12.22
- 12 PilieroMazza Attorneys Featured in 2022 Super Lawyers, 05.03.22
- PilieroMazza Adds Attorneys to List of Super Lawyers®, 05.07.20
- Column: The Implications of SBA’s Proposed Rule Changes for Tribally Owned 8(a) Businesses- Peter Ford and Emily Rouleau, Set-Aside Alert, 01.31.20
- Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law, J.D., 2008, magna cum laude, Articles Editor, Nova Law Review
- Washington and Lee University, B.S., 2005
- Colorado
- District of Columbia
Super Lawyers® Rising Star, Government Contracts, 2018-2022