Law360 Quotes Nichole Atallah on the Employment Status of Civil Detainees and Minimum Wage Rules

Nichole Atallah , a Partner in the Labor & Employment Group at PilieroMazza , discussed with Law360 the specifics of a Ninth Circuit case regarding the employment status of civil immigration detainees and the impact this case could have on federal government contractors working in this space. The central issue is whether immigrant detainees performing services at the detention center managed by a federal government contractor should be classified as employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act. In this case, the Service Contract Act and related minimum wage . . . Read More

Weekly Update for Government Contractors and Commercial Businesses – March 16, 2023

If you have questions concerning the content below, please visit this link . Upcoming Events: Register to attend PilieroMazza’s upcoming events here . Recent Thought Leadership: Check out PilieroMazza’s recent client alerts and blogs here . GovCon Live! Podcast: Listen to PilieroMazza’s Podcast Series “Commercial Businesses New to Government Contracting” here .   GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Crackdown on Pandemic Fraud: Impact on Small Business Government Contractors, 03.13.23, Cy Alba and Dozier Gardner On March 2, 2023, the White House announced that President Biden intends to ask Congress for $1.6 billion to combat . . . Read More

Why the Content of a Contractor’s Joint Venture Agreement Matters

The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) joint venture (JV) regulations allow large businesses to perform set-aside contracts with their small business protégés and allow small businesses to pool their resources and experience to compete for set-aside work they would not independently qualify for. However, these JVs must strictly comply with SBA’s JV regulations. Among other things, this means each JV must have a JV agreement (JVA) that checks a litany of regulatory boxes. A recent SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals . . . Read More

What’s New in OFCCP Compliance? Important 2023 Updates for Government Contractors

Click here to view the recorded session. In 2023, contractors can expect continued – and heightened – enforcement actions from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). Among other things, the OFCCP is taking on a greater interest in pay equity, issuing proposed burdensome changes to its Compliance Review scheduling letters, and expanding its overall efforts to ensure contractors are compliant with regulations. In this webinar, PilieroMazza’s Sara Strosser , an attorney in the Firm’s Labor & Employment Group , examines new updates in 2023 crucial to . . . Read More

Department of Commerce Adds 6 China-Based Entities to Export Administration Regulations List

Department of Commerce Adds 6 China-Based Entities to Export Administration Regulations List On February 14, 2023, the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry Security (BIS) amended the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) ( 15 C.F.R. §§ 730 et seq. ) list ( Entity List ) by adding six China-based entities. The Biden Administration determined that those six entities were conducting business contrary to U.S. national security and / or foreign policy interests. Government contractors should be cautious when doing business with the following entities: Beijing Nanjiang Aerospace Technology; . . . Read More

Crackdown on Pandemic Fraud: Impact on Small Business Government Contractors

On March 2, 2023, the White House announced that President Biden intends to ask Congress for $1.6 Billion to combat ongoing fraud related to COVID relief programs, referred to as “pandemic fraud.” This comes in the wake of “historic” levels of fraud that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, the full extent of which is still not fully known. In the White House’s announcement, it notes that the requested $1.6 Billion will be for President Biden’s three-part Pandemic Anti-Fraud proposal. These three . . . Read More

Weekly Update for Government Contractors and Commercial Businesses – March 10, 2023

If you have questions concerning the content below, please visit this link . Upcoming Events: Register to attend PilieroMazza’s upcoming events here . Recent Thought Leadership: Check out PilieroMazza’s recent client alerts and blogs here . GovCon Live! Podcast: Listen to PilieroMazza’s Podcast Series “Commercial Businesses New to Government Contracting” here .   LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION The FCA at the Supreme Court, Part 2 of 4: Addressing the Standard for Knowingly Submitting a False Claim, 03.07.23, Matt Feinberg and Annie Hudgins The False Claims Act (FCA) is seeing quite a . . . Read More

2022 FCA Year in Review and Emerging Trends for 2023

Click here to view the recorded session. The Department of Justice (DOJ) recovered approximately $2 billion in settlements and judgments from civil cases involving fraud and the False Claims Act (FCA) in Fiscal Year 2022, a sharp decline from 2021 and the lowest recoveries in over a decade. While the FCA remains the primary vehicle for the government to recover funds obtained by fraud or a material misrepresentation, are the 2022 statistics a sign of reduced enforcement or increased compliance? Join Matt Feinberg and . . . Read More

JD Supra Recognizes PilieroMazza as a Top Law Firm for Government Contracting Content

JD Supra’s  2023 Readers Choice Awards  recognizes  PilieroMazza  as the “Top Government Contracting Firm” for its consistently high readership and engagement numbers among its subscribers. Attorneys  Isaias “Cy” Alba, IV , and Kevin Barnett, members of the Firm’s  Government Contracts Group , were also listed in the top ten authors for government contracting content from a pool of over 2,000 authors writing about all aspects of government contracting. This is Cy’s third year on the top ten list. “Our attorneys take pride in the content we produce for the government contracting community,” remarked . . . Read More

Past Performance: How to Use Yours, Benefit from Others’, and Defend It from Attacks

Click here to view the recorded session. You have undoubtedly heard the stories, a contractor with a flawless record going back years gets one bad past performance record, maybe due to themselves or a subcontractor and now they are blackballed. While many in the government believe this is all exaggeration, contractors know that this situation can occur and that even a “satisfactory” rating can be the difference between winning and losing the next big contract. For this reason it is critical that . . . Read More