Business Entity Alphabet Soup – GP, LP, JV, LLC, C, S, QSSS – What do they mean?

By Kimi Murakami As government contractors, the business universe is likely filled with familiar acronyms. However, one may not be as familiar with the meaning behind the alphabet letters that comprise the different business entities in the corporate world. Choosing the form of legal entity for your company was most likely a threshold issue for starting your business. By forming a company, you can shield yourself from liabilities that will arise by the business. Whether just starting out or if . . . Read More

What Every Business Owner Needs to Know About Implementing the New Tangible Property Regulations

By Eric Fletcher, Principal with Thompson Greenspon Over the last several years, the IRS has published a series of regulations and rulings that dramatically change how taxpayers must account for the costs of acquiring, repairing, improving and even disposing of tangible property. These new rules represent some of the most significant changes in tax law since the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and they must be adopted no later than the tax year beginning on or after January 1, 2014. . . . Read More

PilieroMazza Legal Advisor – Fourth Quarter 2014

In this issue: Court of Federal Claims Invalidates Key Component of the SBA’s Nonmanufacturer Rule At the Crossroads of M&A and Government Contracts – The Novation Process What Every Business Owner Needs to Know About Implementing the New Tangible Property Regulations The Impact of the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order on Contract Procurement

First Zombies, Now Ebola, then What? Preparing for Communicable Diseases in the Workplace

Oh the good ol’ days, when employees were awaiting a fictional zombie apocalypse and getting them to pay attention to prevention and preparedness was easy thanks to zombie animation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, the coming of Ebola has eclipsed not only zombies but common cold and flu preparedness. It is only natural that Ebola seems much more menacing to us than the flu or other common illnesses, but for employers the threats and risks . . . Read More

Weather-Related Delays at Locations Other Than the Government Facility? No Excuse for A Late Proposal

As all federal contractors know, the FAR, as well as many other rules and regulations, put most of the risk on the contractor in so many ways. Common risks include cost overruns on FFP/LPTA procurements, risk of nonpayment for work requested by personnel other than the contracting officer, or timely delivery of a proposal. Now, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims has added another issue with which contractors should be concerned with: the weather. Global Military Marketing, Inc. (“Global”), a federal contractor located near Alabama . . . Read More

Building a Saleable Business & The Importance of a Strategic Plan

For a small business government contractor (“GC”), its small business size is arguably its greatest asset. In the context of building a saleable business, however, if the GC owner or owners fail to adopt and implement a strategic plan early on in the business life cycle, the GC’s small business size could end up operating more like a handicap.   To put this into greater context, in the world of mergers and acquisitions, particularly lower middle market private company deals . . . Read More

Pam Mazza to Speak at NACA Conference

Pam Mazza will be speaking about mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) at the Native American Contractors Association (“NACA”) Conference next month. M&As can be a tricky business, especially with the complex web of statutes and regulations under which government contractors must operate. Our three-hour seminar will focus on the following topics: The importance of due diligence Letters of intent – negotiating and creating a roadmap for the deal Structure of the deal – asset, stock or merger How regulations impact transaction . . . Read More