8(a) Joint Venture Applications – Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute!

By Kelly DiGrado Interested in forming a joint venture to chase an 8(a) opportunity? Remember to give the SBA advanced notice of your intent, execute your joint venture agreement prior to proposal submission and prepare the necessary supporting documentation for your joint venture application well in advance of the anticipated contract award date. In order for a joint venture to be awarded an 8(a) contract, the joint venture agreement must be executed prior to proposal submission. Additionally, the joint venture . . . Read More

Analysis of the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Proposed Rule

On May 28, 2015, the Defense Department, General Services Administration and National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council’s proposed rule to implement Executive Order 13673 “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces” (EO), dated July 31, 2014. Together with the proposed Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the Department of Labor (DOL) published proposed guidance (collectively, “Proposed Rules”), defining many terms set forth in the EO and beginning to establish a framework of expectations. PilieroMazza addressed the requirements of the . . . Read More

Top Five HR Headlines You Don’t Want to Miss!

If you have been paying attention to the headlines, you might have noticed that a lot has been happening in the labor and employment world recently. Here are our top 5: The Supreme Court Saves the Affordable Care Act … Again:  On June 25, 2015, the Supreme Court held that the Affordable Care Act (‘ACA”) may provide nationwide tax subsidies for qualifying individuals to purchase health insurance. In King v. Burwell was a challenge to a fundamental component of the . . . Read More

Comments on Proposed Rule Regarding the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program, RIN: 3245-AG72

We are writing to submit comments on the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (“SBA”) above-referenced proposed rule, issued May 1, 2015, 80 Fed. Reg. 24,846. Our firm represents small businesses, including women-owned and economically-disadvantaged women-owned small businesses (“WOSBs/EDWOSBs”), operating across the government contracting spectrum. Many of the WOSBs/EDWOSBs we represent and have talked to have been eagerly anticipating this rulemaking. The proposed rule places the SBA’s WOSB Program on equal footing with other SBA government contracting programs in providing for award . . . Read More

Tips on Avoiding the Unsettling Results of a Poorly-Drafted Settlement Agreement

Well done! Through your reasoned approach and powers of persuasion, you have managed to resolve the pending contract dispute on your own, and thus have avoided that costly telephone call to the litigator in your attorneys’ office and the uncertainty that comes with putting your dispute before a judge or arbitrator for resolution. As you reflect on the expense that your efforts have saved the company and contemplate a possible second career as a diplomat, a draft settlement agreement arrives . . . Read More

Control and Responsibility in SDVO SBC Joint Ventures: More than a Title

Most Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned (“SDVO”) Small Business Concerns (“SDVO SBCs”) are likely familiar with the Small Business Administration’s (“SBA”) requirements for an SDVO SBC to submit an offer for an SDVO contract as a joint venture (“JV”). One requirement in particular, i.e., that the parties’ joint venture agreement (“JVA”) contains a provision designating the SDVO SBC as “managing venturer” and an employee of the SDVO SBC as “project manager”, has been heard time and time again by the many SDVO SBCs . . . Read More

Corporate Housekeeping Tips: Keeping Your Website in Tip Top Shape

By Kimi Murakami Among the other areas of your business that you need to keep in order, don’t forget your website. Your website is the company’s digital storefront to the public. Protecting it is paramount to protecting your brand. Below is a checklist of issues to keep in mind in order to more fully-protect valuable company assets.   Have you trademarked your business name and logo?  If not, are you using the ™ (trademark) symbol after the mark? Your company’s name, . . . Read More

Current Trends and Issues in GovCon M&A for 2015

As we are rapidly reaching the middle of 2015, why not pause for a moment and identify some current trends and recurring themes and issues that are found in mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) within the government contracting industry. With this goal in mind, here is a ‘top six’ list to review and digest: Has GovCon M&A Reached a “New Normal”?  Think about 2006-2007 as being a peak in terms of deal volume and valuations and the first half of 2013-2014 . . . Read More