Nuts and Bolts of SCA

Presented by Nichole Atallah  of  PilieroMazza PLLC  and Mary Holmes of  BOOST LLC . Click here  to view the recorded session. Compliance with the Service Contract Act (SCA), now referred to as the Service Contract Labor Standards, is a challenge for many companies. Understanding applicability, wage determinations, health and welfare benefits, and leave can cause major headaches. If these were not enough, non-compliance may lead to a Department of Labor (DOL) audit. This webinar covers strategic decisions that can help minimize SCA costs and liability. Key topics include: common SCA . . . Read More

SBA’s New WOSB / EDWOSB Certification Requirement and 8(a) Economic Disadvantage Criteria Revisions: What You Need to Know

Presented by  Meghan Leemon and Jonathan Pomerance.   Click here to view the recorded session.   The Small Business Administration recently published a final rule that will impact businesses competing for contracts under the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program and those companies seeking admission to the 8(a) Business Development Program. The rule implements a certification requirement for WOSBs and Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Businesses (EDWOSBs) and also revises 8(a) economic disadvantage eligibility criteria.   This webinar covers ways to keep your business competitive and compliant, . . . Read More

Return to Work Plan: Not Business As Usual

Presented by  Nichole Atallah and  Sarah Nash  of  PilieroMazza PLLC  and  Stephanie Alexander  and Mary Holmes of  BOOST LLC .   Click here to view the recorded session.   Now that states are beginning to reopen and we start going back into the workplace, there are important questions employers need answers to in order to protect themselves from liability. In this webinar, we focus on preparing employers to make these important decisions.   Learning Objectives:   Understand legal requirements employers need to consider. Consider policies and procedures employers need to implement before their employees . . . Read More

Past Performance: How to Use Yours, Benefit from Others’, and Defend It from Attacks

Presented by  Sam Finnerty . Click here to view the recorded session. A government agency’s evaluation of an offeror’s past performance can often be the difference between winning or losing a government contract. And, for better or worse, agencies are given broad discretion in how they evaluate past performance. As such, it is critical that companies working with the federal government understand not only what steps they should take to cultivate and utilize positive past performance, but also the steps they should take to . . . Read More

COVID-19 Legislation: How Is It Impacting Federal Contractors? (Part 2)

Click  here  to view the recorded session. Nicole Mitchell, Mike Muscatello, and guest presenter, Cy Alba of Piliero Mazza, navigated the COVID-19 legislation relief programs in their two-part series. In the final webinar of our two-part series on this topic, this presentation covered Section 3610 of the CARES Act. Our experts explained how the provisions in the FAR may impact management decisions amid the pandemic, and held a Q&A session on best practices for accounting and billing treatment. From this presentation, . . . Read More

Service Contract Act Compliance Challenges in a COVID-19 Environment

Click  here  to view the recorded session. If Service Contract Act (SCA) compliance wasn’t tricky enough already, federal and state programs providing for COVID-related leave and payments have raised unique SCA compliance concerns. In a time of uncertainty, the last thing government contractors need is to take an action that could precipitate a Department of Labor (DOL) investigation or client scrutiny. Join PilieroMazza’s Nichole Atallah and Sarah Nash as they examine practical strategies government contractors can implement to help avoid SCA . . . Read More

SCA Compliance Challenges in a COVID 19 Environment

Presented by  Nichole Atallah and  Sarah Nash . If Service Contract Act (SCA) compliance wasn’t tricky enough already, federal and state programs providing for COVID-related leave and payments have raised unique SCA compliance concerns. In a time of uncertainty, the last thing government contractors need is to take an action that could precipitate a Department of Labor (DOL) investigation or client scrutiny. Join PilieroMazza ’s  Nichole Atallah  and  Sarah Nash  as they examine practical strategies to help avoid SCA pitfalls when implementing COVID-related leave and payment policies.   Learning . . . Read More

Tips for Keeping and Engaging Essential Employees in a Crisis 

Click  here  to view the recorded session. While shelter-in-place orders and social distancing redefine the workplace, many industries are required to keep essential services up and running. Essential industries were estimated to employ anywhere from 49 to 62 million workers prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. A portion of these workers will continue to report to their jobs and ensure that the rest of the country can maintain some semblance of a typical life during this crisis. Facing additional risks from COVID-19, . . . Read More

Jon Williams Featured in “Force Majeure? Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Government Contractor Impacted by COVID-19”

Jon Williams was recently featured in the Public Spend Forum webinar, “Force Majeure? Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Government Contractor Impacted by COVID-19.” With companies scrambling to interpret force majeure clauses within their commercial contracts in light of COVID-19, the session sought to answer the question: “What are the rights and responsibilities of companies in this current atmosphere, under their government contract terms?” A video with Jon’s comments is available below. He addresses the questions: In the federal contracting context, can you . . . Read More

The False Claims Act: 2019 Takeaways and 2020 Trends

Presented by  Matt Feinberg and  Jackie Unger . Click here to view the recorded session.   The Department of Justice (DOJ) recovered more than $3 billion in settlements and judgments from civil cases involving fraud and the False Claims Act (FCA) in Fiscal Year 2019, and it remains the primary vehicle for the government to recover payouts for fraud or a material misrepresentation. With recent increases in monetary recoveries from government-initiated matters and whistleblower incentives to initiate claims, government contractors face FCA investigation or litigation risk . . . Read More