PilieroMazza Legal Advisor – Fourth Quarter 2015

In this Issue: More Small Business Subcontracting Plan Changes: SBA Proposes to Allow Subcontracting Plan Credit for Small Business Subcontractors at any Tier Mastering Price Adjustments for Increases in the Contractor Minimum Wage Happy New Year: As we begin the new fiscal year, government contractors need to identify risks that affect both revenue and costs. If You Snooze, You May Lose – Be Mindful of the Statutes of Limitations if You Intend to Enforce Your Rights in a Court of . . . Read More

Comments on Proposed Rule Regarding Small Business Subcontracting Improvements

After the recent small business subcontracting plan changes were implemented by the U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) in its final rule at 78 Fed. Reg. 42391 , dated July 16, 2013, many of our clients have asked us how the SBA’s new rules should be interpreted in light of the existing FAR small business subcontracting requirements. We believe that the FAR Councils are taking the right steps to harmonize the SBA’s requirements with the obligations the FAR imposes. However, we believe that there are . . . Read More

PilieroMazza Legal Advisor – First Quarter 2016

In this Issue: Regulatory Issues for Acquisitions of Government Contracts by Non-U.S. Buyers Now Is the Time For Government Contracting Regulatory Compliance Reviews Supply Chain Cybersecurity Risk in Government Contracting DOL’s Changes to the Overtime Rules in 2016 Mean Employers Must Reevaluate Whether Employees are Entitled to Overtime

Analysis of the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Proposed Rule

On May 28, 2015, the Defense Department, General Services Administration and National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council’s proposed rule to implement Executive Order 13673 “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces” (EO), dated July 31, 2014. Together with the proposed Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the Department of Labor (DOL) published proposed guidance (collectively, “Proposed Rules”), defining many terms set forth in the EO and beginning to establish a framework of expectations. PilieroMazza addressed the requirements of the . . . Read More

Comments on Proposed Rule Regarding the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program, RIN: 3245-AG72

We are writing to submit comments on the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (“SBA”) above-referenced proposed rule, issued May 1, 2015, 80 Fed. Reg. 24,846. Our firm represents small businesses, including women-owned and economically-disadvantaged women-owned small businesses (“WOSBs/EDWOSBs”), operating across the government contracting spectrum. Many of the WOSBs/EDWOSBs we represent and have talked to have been eagerly anticipating this rulemaking. The proposed rule places the SBA’s WOSB Program on equal footing with other SBA government contracting programs in providing for award . . . Read More