PilieroMazza Legal Advisor – Third Quarter

In this Issue: Category Management: What Contractors Need to Know Aftermath of the Kingdomware Decision: Where Does the VA Go From Here?  Estate and Succession Planning Essentials for Small Business Owners Size Recertification Now Required for Pending Proposals After Merger or Acquisition 

PilieroMazza Legal Advisor – Third Quarter 2016

In this Issue: Category Management: What Contractors Need to Know Aftermath of the Kingdomware Decision: Where Does the VA Go From Here?  Estate and Succession Planning Essentials for Small Business Owners Size Recertification Now Required for Pending Proposals After Merger or Acquisition 

Our Comments in Response to FAR Case 2015-15 Regarding the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative – FSSI

PilieroMazza recently submitted comments to the General Services Administration stating that the proposed rule should not be applied in small business set-asides, the brief analysis should allow for flexibility, and the notice of proposed rulemaking understates the impact on small businesses.  Click here to read the proposed rule Click here to read our comments submitted to SBA 

The Weekly Update for August 12, 2016

GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Procurement of Commercial Items OMB to Announce Final Decisions for 2017 NAICS Revisions LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT Amendment of Americans With Disabilities Act Title II and Title III This week’s report follows,  click here if you would like to download a copy . GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Procurement of Commercial Items DOD is proposing to amend the DFARS to implement sections of the National Defense Authorization Acts for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2016 relating to commercial item acquisitions as follows: (1) definitions of “market prices,” “market research,” “nontraditional defense contractor,” “relevant sales data,” and “uncertified cost . . . Read More

The Weekly Update for August 5, 2016

SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HUBZone and the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 Amendments GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Detection and Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts Amendments Related to Sources of Electronic Parts This week’s report follows,  click here if you would like to download a copy . SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Small Business Mentor-Protégé Programs The SBA is amending its regulations to the HUBZone Program.  The amendments: (1) authorize Native Hawaiian Organizations (“NHO”) to own HUBZone small business concerns; (2)  expand the HUBZone Program to assist small businesses in disaster areas and base closure areas; and (3) . . . Read More

The Weekly Update for July 22, 2016

GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Small Business Mentor-Protégé Programs DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Civil Monetary Penalties Inflation Adjustment This week’s report follows,  click here if you would like to download a copy . GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Small Business Mentor-Protégé Programs The U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) is amending its regulations to implement provisions of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, and the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013. Based on authorities provided in these two statutes, the rule: (1) establishes a government-wide mentor-protégé program for all small business concerns, consistent with SBA’s mentor-protégé program for participants in . . . Read More

The Weekly Update for July 15, 2016

GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Small Business Subcontracting Improvements FPI Blanket Waiver Threshold This week’s report follows,  click here if you would like to download a copy . GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING Small Business Subcontracting Improvements DOD, GSA, and NASA issued a final rule amending the FAR to implement the following regulatory changes made by the Small Business Administration, which provide for a governmentwide policy on small business subcontracting: (1) Requiring prime contractors to make good faith efforts to utilize their proposed small business subcontractors during performance of a contract to the same degree the prime contractor . . . Read More

The Weekly Update for July 1, 2016

SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Affiliation for Business Loan Programs and Surety Bond Guarantee Program GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Acquisition Threshold for Special Emergency Procurement Authority Amendment to the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Pilot Program on Acquisition of Military Purpose Non-developmental Items Defense Contractors Performing Private Security Functions Treatment of Interagency and State and Local Purchases Contract Financing Administrative Cost to Issue and Administer a Contract BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustments SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Affiliation for Business Loan Programs and Surety Bond Guarantee Program This final rule amends the . . . Read More