
Smart Growth in the Federal Market: How to Thrive in the Mid-Tier or Stay Small

Date / Time:

December 15, 2020 / 2:00 pm ET

Event Type:






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Exceeding your size standard as a small business federal contractor can be a death knell. It can prevent you from bidding new work, recompeting for old work, or, with long-term contracts, receiving follow-on options after the fifth year of the contract. Faced with a potential move to the mid-tier, many small business owners look for a possible exit through the sale of their company or attempt to maintain their size status.

Join PilieroMazza Partner Cy Alba as he discusses growth strategies for small businesses seeking to maintain their size or move to the mid-tier. Tactics to be discussed include:

  • seeing your business the way a buyer does;
  • understanding the impact of your size standards, recertification rules, and the specific requirements of your contracts on potential sales;
  • strategies to plan ahead to eliminate those barriers to sale and mitigating the risk factors that keep buyers up a night…or finding creative ways around those barriers and risks;
  • attracting multiple buyers confidentially;
  • and more…