
Size and Status Recertification: What Is It and Why Does it Matter?

Date / Time:

June 14, 2023 / 2:00 pm ET

Event Type:


Event Name:

PilieroMazza Webinar





Visit this link to register.


Financial growth and success are important goals for every small business government contractor. Continuous growth, however, can cause your company to exceed the size standards attached to your small business set-aside work. Even as you maintain your size and status, your business must meet a host of representation and certification requirements to continue competing under SBA’s small business programs.

Join Sam Finnerty, a partner in PilieroMazza’s Government Contracts Group, for a high-level briefing on representation and certification requirements for small business government contractors, the complex issues that arise around growth and size standards, and strategies for maintaining your competitive edge in the federal marketplace. He’ll cover:

  • the basics of certification and recertification for small businesses;
  • triggering events that require recertification;
  • common pitfalls for small businesses; and
  • key recertification updates that may impact your business.