
Facing Costly Litigation? An Offer of Judgment May Save You Money in the Long Run

“[I]n this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” This oft-cited quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin may be timeless, but it fails to tell the whole story in the modern world—at least for businesses facing unwelcome litigation. As companies conduct more and more of their business digitally, the cost of defending a lawsuit is increasing, due in large part to the impact of electronic discovery obligations. Electronic discovery, or e-discovery, generally involves the identification, collection, . . . Read More

Using a Joint Venture for Supply Procurements

Joint ventures have been popular arrangements for chasing government contracts, particularly since the start of SBA’s All Small Mentor-Protégé program in 2016. The “ASMPP” allows any small business to enter into an SBA-approved mentor-protégé relationship with a large business. Once a mentor-protégé relationship is approved, the small business and large business can form a joint venture to pursue small business set-asides. This marriage of a small and large business to pursue small business contracts can provide a real competitive edge . . . Read More

PilieroMazza Submits Comments on Recent VA Rulemaking Proposed Rules

On January 24, 2019, PilieroMazza submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in response to the proposed rule issued on November 29, 2018, RIN 2900-AQ24—VA Acquisition Regulation: Environment, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable Energy Technologies, Occupational Safety, and Drug-Free Workplace; Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Information; Other Socioeconomic Programs; and Contract Modifications. Our comments ask that the proposed rules fully implement VA’s mandate to give contracting priority to SDVOSBs, then VOSBs, then over to all other businesses . . . Read More

A Five-Year Measuring Period for Economic Dependence Affiliation

Earlier this month, we  wrote  about the internal  SBA Information Notice  (Information Notice), which clarifies that the changes made by the Small Business Runway Extension Act (Runway Extension Act) are not effective immediately. The Runway Extension Act requires that receipts-based size standards be based on annual average gross receipts over five years. SBA’s regulations currently require a three-year lookback for size standards based on annual receipts. And, according to the Information Notice, until SBA revises its regulations through the rulemaking process, businesses must continue . . . Read More

The Weekly Update for January 18, 2019

GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING According to Bloomberg Government, contract spending has grown by almost 6% per year over the past five years as federal agencies increasingly rely on government-wide contract vehicles and simplified acquisition procedures. Bloomberg Government identified five spending trends that developed from Fiscal Year 2014 through Fiscal Year 2018, listed below. Federal contract spending reached a five-year high in Fiscal Year 2018. The $560 billion in federal contract spending in Fiscal Year 2018 is the highest level since Fiscal Year . . . Read More

GAO Sustains Protest Alleging Misrepresentation in Proposal Regarding Availability of Incumbent Staff

It is generally difficult to win a bid protest by arguing that the awardee proposed personnel that it did not have a reasonable expectation would be available for performance. Such allegations are normally difficult to prove, particularly at the outset of a protest, because the protestor is unlikely to know which personnel the awardee proposed. As a result, these protest grounds have a high risk of being dismissed as speculative. Winning such a protest is, however, possible. The Government Accountability . . . Read More

SBA Proposes Significant Changes to Small Business Procurement: Will You Be Impacted?

Presented By Antonio Franco and Sam Finnerty Click here to view the recorded session. On December 4, 2018, the SBA issued a proposed rule that includes a number of sweeping amendments to the SBA’s regulations which will have a significant impact on small businesses. The proposed rule addresses important matters for small businesses, such as the limitations on subcontracting requirements and exclusions for compliance purposes, and requirements for size and status recertification. The SBA is also clarifying when size is determined, and . . . Read More

The Weekly Update for January 11, 2019

GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING A Government Executive article discussed the impact of the shutdown on some defense contractors. As the partial government shutdown continues, some American defense firms are receiving multi-million-dollar IOUs instead of payments. For example, executives for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and Engility, two of the government’s largest service contractors, said the payroll for workers idled by the shutdown comes to $10 million every week, and, just three weeks into the freeze, they say the government is about $40 million . . . Read More

Teaming Agreements: Are They Necessary or Not Worth the Effort?

Government contractors enter into teaming agreements to secure contracts with partners that will help them win and perform the work. It surprises many, however, that certain terms in a teaming agreement may not be enforceable, particularly the clauses providing for the award of a subcontract. This has led contractors to ask, “What is the point of a teaming agreement?” There are many advantages to teaming agreements, or they would not be so prevalent in the government contracting industry. Although those . . . Read More

The Weekly Update for January 4, 2019

GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING According to an article on Law360, American freight shipping company, YRC Worldwide (YRC), was sued in a securities class action lawsuit filed in New York federal court that claims investors paid the ultimate price when the company allegedly overcharged the federal government for carrier services and later tried to cover it up. An investor, who is looking to represent all those who bought stock in YRC from March 10, 2014, to December 14, 2018, alleges that YRC hid . . . Read More