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Upcoming Events: Register to attend PilieroMazza’s upcoming events here.

Recent Thought Leadership: Check out PilieroMazza’s recent client alerts and blogs here.

Podcasts: Listen to PilieroMazza’s podcasts GovCon Live! here and Clocking in with PilieroMazza here.



Sustainable Procurement: A Closer Look at the New Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), PilieroMazza Client Alert

In recent years, the U.S. government made sustainability a priority in its procurement practices. To accomplish this goal, the FAR Council published a new final rule (Rule), primarily addressing sustainability practices and enforcing agency obligations to procure sustainable products and services. In this client alert, PilieroMazza highlights key aspects of the Rule and outlines potential challenges and opportunities for federal government contractors. Read more here.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Proposed Rule: Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contract Program Updates and Clarifications

On May 16, SBA published a proposed rule to make changes to SBA’s WOSB Program regulations, including adding definitions in existing regulations and conforming the regulations to current statutes. The rule would also adopt similar language to that used in SBA’s other government contracting program regulations about the length of time a firm must wait before reapplying to the WOSB Program and limits on outside employment. Small businesses should review the proposed rule and provide comments to SBA on compliance with the potential rule. The proposed rule is available here. Comments close July 15, 2024.

The Benefits of ‘Best Value’ for Small Businesses in the Federal Market, Federal News Network

GSA’s best value legislative proposal will allow GSA to craft policies and procedures that more closely align with the commercial market. Read more here.

FAA Bill Would Reprioritize Contractor-Supported Tech Programs, Bloomberg Government

Companies working on programs connected to the nearly 20-year-old NextGen airspace modernization initiative will likely see millions of dollars start to shift into new programs, research, and prototypes if Congress reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration. Read more here (subscription required).

Upcoming Government Contract Presentations

TRAINING: Legal Considerations: How Best to Structure Your Company as a Federal Contractor, June 11, 2024, Isaias “Cy” Alba, IV

CONFERENCE: Grow or Go Small Business Lifecycle Maturity, June 11, 2024, Meghan F. Leemon, Peter B. Ford

NETWORKING: Prime Another Day, June 12, 2024, Isaias “Cy” Alba, IV, Nichole D. Atallah

WEBINAR: Legal Strategies & Capture Planning, June 14, 2024, Isaias “Cy” Alba, IV

CONFERENCE: Negotiating Subcontracts, June 17, 2024, Jacqueline K. Unger



OPM Announces New ‘Safe Leave’ for Domestic Violence Victims, Government Executive

Federal workers may now take paid leave to address issues related to their or a family member’s safety or to recover from domestic violence, abuse or harassment, under new guidance from the government’s dedicated HR agency. Read more here.

Upcoming Labor & Employment Presentations

Clocking in with PilieroMazza: New Board Cases Provide Guidance for SCA Price Adjustments, PilieroMazza Podcast, Sarah L. Nash, Nichole D. Atallah. Click here to access the podcast. 

TRAINING: Labor Rules & Regulations: Federal Market Compliance, June 12, 2024, Nichole D. Atallah

SEMINAR: FAR Session 14, Parts 22 & 23, July 10, 2024, Sarah L. Nash, Nichole D. Atallah.



Department of Defense (DOD) Notice and Request for Comments: Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Defense Applications

On May 22, DOD published a notice and request for comments about actions it can take to enable the DIB to continue to adopt AI for defense applications. Feedback from the public will guide the DoD in developing policies, initiatives, and resource distribution to ensure support for the DIB in integrating AI into defense systems. Public comments will also be used to formulate PA&T’s Trusted AI Defense Industrial Base Roadmap. The Notice is available here. Comments close July 22, 2024.

House Committee Advances Rep. Nancy Mace’s Bill to Strengthen Federal Cybersecurity, ABCNews 4

A bill that sets its sights on strengthening federal cybersecurity measures advanced through the House Oversight Accountability Committee Wednesday, moving one step closer to the House floor for a vote. Read more here.